
Fugro Interra


Fugro Interra


  • Expertise
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  • Utilises our GeoSAR airborne radar mapping system
  • Includes in-field processing capabilities for data delivery within hours of the airborne mission
  • Utilises multibeam sonar, photogrammetric mapping, and motion compensation technologies
  • Results in high density 3D iceberg models
  • Enables multiple applications including impact analysis, drift prediction, and in-field ice management, among others
  • Requires multibeam (including backscatter), sub-bottom profiler, and sidescan sonar technologies
  • Provides a high resolution digital elevation model of the seabed
  • Offers information about contemporary and historical ice gouging
  • Numerical modeling of stability of Arctic offshore excavations, e.g., mud line cellars, created to protect exploration and production wells against potential ice gouging hazards
  • Evaluation of the impact of thaw-induced ground subsidence on the integrity of Arctic wells due to wellbore heat loss into the surrounding frozen sediments
  • Evaluation of in-situ gas hydrate dissociation effects on production wells across hydrate bearing permafrost soils

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