Potash, Fertilizers



Are you looking for fertilizers prices? Fertilizer market trends? Fertilizer forecasts? Our fertilizers team report on and analyse the global fertilizer industry from every angle. Because they focus exclusively on fertilizers, they can give you deeper insights into trends in the industry from fertilizer price movements to long term demand forcasts.

Our team’s experience in the fertilizer and chemical industries, and global reach, enable them to assess trends and developments in fertilizers on the ground. That could mean visiting a potash mine in Canada or talking to the big sulphuric acid producers at their own headquarters.

At the broader level, CRU’s multi-commodity expertise means we offer you a rounded picture of the fertilizers market, including the relationship to other metals and markets.

CRU has over 50 years’ experience of analysing the fertilizer and related chemical industries through its fertilizer division, formerly known as British Sulphur Consultants.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.crugroup.com/about-cru/industries_we_cover/fertilizers/


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