A Pillar Of Strength


The EFCO POWER SHIELD is a multi-purpose protection system that surrounds the perimeter of a high-rise building during construction.

A Pillar of Strength

For EFCO’s Growth – Scott McCraken

As Time Passes

As time passes on, so do employees of the EFCO team pass on, leaving their marks and successes in EFCO. This is just like EFCO’s FORM MARKS magazine publication for 60 years and EFCO the company itself, as each leave lasting form marks in concrete. So did Scott McCracken before he recently passed away on April 24, 2012, leaving EFCO a lifetime’s worth of professional achievements.

Scott McCracken, A Pillar of Strength

Scott worked for us his total working career, 43 years, coming to work at EFCO in our Engineering Department right out of Iowa State University armed with an Engineering Degree. This was in 1949 and EFCO was already 15 years old, and Scott was eager to leave his form marks on the world.

Building Bridges and Character

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.efcoforms.com/2015/03/a-pillar-of-strength/


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