Our Commitment With Airports


Our Commitment with Airports

At Ferrovial Airports we believe that the development of airports of the future is supported by two essential pillars: the development of ambitious investment programs and the maintenance of operations that respect the environment.

  • Heathrow’s Energy Centre is London’s largest biomass installation and has a current offset of around 13,000 tons of CO2 per year.
  • Heathrow Pods. Driverless electric vehicles between the business car park and T5.
  • Automated passenger processes.
  • 95.9% of our passengers had a security waiting time of less than five minutes.
  • 83.6% of departures were on time.
  • 80% of passengers rated their experience at Heathrow to be “excellent or very good”.
  • The overall valuation of the airport in the ASQ survey was 4.04/5.
  • The number of lost/missed bags per 1,000 passengers was 14, in contrast to 40 registered in 2007.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.ferrovial.com/en/business-lines/airports/our-commitment/


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