

Formación Digital wants to highlight the Company’s policy to tailor our Management and work System in the sector of Consultancy, Training and the Production of Multimedia Content to the full satisfaction of the Client.

The Management of Formación Digital is aware of the new competition laws in the EU, as well as the trends which are gradually affecting Quality and Environmental issues. The MANAGER, therefore, wants to focus on improving the Quality of our products and services while respecting the environment.

Our main objective will be to work to the level set out in the international standards and especially the UNE:EN:ISO 9001:2008 and UNE:EN:ISO 14001:2004 standards. We will assure that our products and services comply with legal requirements, the Clients’ specifications, as well as other requirements that the Grupo GDT may endorse and which may be applicable in each case.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.formaciondigital.com/en/calidad


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