

A genuine alternative. Main and auxiliary engines also run on liquefied natural gas

In addition to CO2, the exhaust gases of merchant ships contain nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) and other combustion residues such as soot. Although the specific emission of contaminants is low, the large number of ship movements on the major trade routes represent an environmental burden. Several states have, therefore, designated inshore zones Emission Control Areas (ECAs), in which only fuel containing reduced levels of contaminants may be used. An expansion of the ECAs and a tightening of requirements is to be expected. Therefore the question arises: are there alternatives to the heavy oil bunkered today?

  • Nitrogen oxide emissions can be cut by up to 90 per cent
  • CO2 emissions can be reduced by approximately 20 per cent
  • A nearly 100 per cent reduction in particulates, and hence the abandonment of filters
  • A nearly 100 per cent reduction in sulphur dioxides

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