Team Travel


Plan Team Travel with Marriott

for all the best sports

Teaming up may be our favorite way to make wholes greater than their parts.

We all love to win at sports, but you can’t win if you don’t play. (Though you can definitely lose by not playing at all.)

Some games don’t reveal their full potential unless played by proper teams in organized competition.

We know the effort you’ve made to test the limits of what you can achieve in sports leagues, tournaments, and championship events.

When your team travels, you have your minds set on great things. And we know you’ll want to be well-rested, properly fed, and treated with warmth and respect.

As the world’s leading travel hospitality brand, we’re excited to host your sports travel at any of our thousands of Marriott hotels across the US. We’d like you to think of us as just another part of the team.

But just between us, we’ve never been able to hit the high curve.

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