Digital Natives


A new generation is entering the workplace

They are tech savvy, at the forefront of technological progress, and want to be connected – whenever they like, wherever they are. Digital natives are the generation born around the arrival of digital technology. They have used digital technologies since early childhood, naturally developing the skills to integrate them in their lives.

  • 73.6% ‘agree’ to ‘completely agree’ that new technologies are addictive
  • 32.6% feel inefficient and cannot keep up with the pace of life without technologies
  • 60.8% also feel cut off from their friends and miss out on a large part of their life without technologies
  • 35.7% ‘disagree’ to ‘strongly disagree’ that new technologies put them under pressure and intimidate them
  • 55.1% ‘agree’ to ‘strongly agree’ that without technologies they cannot keep up with life
  • 59.8% of the respondents are ‘satisfied’ to ‘completely satisfied’ with their current workplace provisions
  • 77.3% report that advanced technologies in their workplace is important to very important

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