Series CF-200 Controlled Fiberization™Guns


Series CF-200 Controlled Fiberization™Guns

Patented Series CF-200 Controlled Fiberization guns provide maximum spray control of hot melt pattern width, fiber size and density. These guns can produce highly dense patterns for maximum bond strength, open patterns when absorbency is important, or extremely thin patterns to eliminate distortion on heat-sensitive substrates.

High-performance capability yields exceptional results at line speeds up to 1000 feet per minute (300 m/min) for either continuous or intermittent operations. Precise control of pattern density and fiber size permits add-on weights of less than 2 milligrams per square inch (3 g/m2).

Controlled Fiberization (CFTM) guns draw the adhesive into a single fiber using high-velocity air jets. Rotated by the directed air jets, the monofilament forms a helical pattern on the substrate, which can be held to within 1/8 inch (3 mm) from critical edges and contours without overspray.

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