Cooking With Biogas


Cooking with Biogas

Since June 2012, the REHAU project team leaders have been hard at work to drastically and lastingly improve living conditions in the countryside of Kogelo, Kenya. They are focused on making rural areas into attractive places to live in harmony with nature. Using the resources that are available to the country and its people is the guiding principle in this endeavor and the close cooperation involved produced an innovative project: ‘REHAU HomeGas’.

An innovative micro biogas plant, inexpensive to acquire but efficient and perfectly tuned to local circumstances is the ideal way to facilitate cooking locally. Cow dung is one of the essential ingredients for obtaining a reliable, steady gas flame from the micro biogas plant. “Instead of simply just giving money, our approach is to develop sustainable solutions”, says Ingo von Ramdohr, Head of REHAU Sales Office International Business Development BAU in Erlangen. This complies with the purpose of providing “help for self-help”.


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