

Details make great projects

For a quality fabrication, for example, pipes, tanks or projects in the petrochemical industry; Sodel is your solution for welding alloys.

The welding filler metals of Sodel have been selected in several international projects, in the last years, whether it is for covered welding electrodes (SMAW) or welding wires (GMAW). The choice of Sodel can be explained by the quality, the availability of the products and our technical department that ensures a customized support to ensure the success of our customer’s projects.

Our engineering department has the expertise, in order to accompany you in your fabrication projects whether it is to put in place welding procedures or to provide you welding filler metals with special chemistries.

Process improvement

The main target of our team is to suggest products and procedures that will meet the required specifications of your fabrication process. Which is a quality weld that meets the expected chemistries. But Sodel goes further.

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