MOULDEX Synthetic Bone Ash

Mold dressing material specially designed for the casting of non ferrous metals.

MOULDEX is a very fine grained homogeneous powder which is mainly used as release agent during the casting of non ferrous metals, obtaining a smooth surface for the molded shape. Its use also protect the molds and increase their useful life.

Its formulation is based on Synthetic Bone Ash and helps in the formation of a thin and uniform film with a very high adhesion to the surface of the mold.

MOULDEX, which is based in Synthetic Bone Ash is a form of Calcium Hydroxylapatite.

Typical Chemical Analysis
CaO 55%
P2O5 42%
MgO 0.7%
CO2 0.40%
Fe2O3 0.10%
S 0.12%
SiO2 free 0.70%
SiO2 total 0.75%
CaO/P2O5 1.3
pH 7
Typical Physical Analysis
Apparent density 0.8 g/cc
Specific Gravity 2.9 g/cc
Ignition losses 0.90%
Screen 95% trough mesh 325
  • Use Instructions
  • Quality Control
  • Safety Information
  • Packaging
Density required for casting copper anodes
EXTRAMOULD 8 to 12 Bé 1.058 to 1.090 gr/cc
MOULDEX 3.5 to 5 Bé 1.024 to 1.035 gr/cc

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