Harlequin Ducks


The western Harlequin duck is a small, relatively uncommon sea duck that breeds and nests in low densities in fast-flowing mountain streams. The McLeod River watershed and approximately 50 other Alberta foothills drainages provide habitat for these ducks. Due to their sensitivity to changes in stream flow characteristics and disruption to nesting habitat, studying and managing for Harlequin duck requirements has been an important part of our environmental plan. The Harlequin duck is listed as a species of special concern by the Alberta government.

Several activities were undertaken by CRO which have resulted in minimizing and mitigating potential disruption to the Harlequin duck population. Examples include canceling plans for a rail line and its associated requirement to change the alignment of the McLeod River; re-alignment of the Grave Flats Road resulting in reduced opportunities for random camping near duck habitat; and constructing full-span crossings of Prospect Creek, Whitehorse Creek and McLeod River to provide good access for Harlequin ducks along the stream channel.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.teck.com/Generic.aspx?PAGE=Teck+Site/Diversified+Mining+Pages/Coal+Pages/Cardinal+River+Pages/Environmental+Management+pages/Harlequin+Ducks&portalName=tc


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