Our Courageous Safety Leadership Journey


Case Study: Our Courageous Safety Leadership Journey

This case study was originally published in our .

At Teck, we believe that we can operate without fatalities or injuries, a belief found at the heart of our Courageous Safety Leadership (CSL) program.

CSL was introduced in 2009 and today, more than 12,000 employees and contractors across Teck’s operations have participated in the intensive day-long program that challenges existing values, beliefs and attitudes towards safety and outlines the leadership, courage and changes required to instill a true culture of safety.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.teck.com/Generic.aspx?PAGE=Teck+Site/Responsibility+Pages/Sustainability+Pages/Case+Studies+pages/2010/Our+CSL+Journey&portalName=tc


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