Wildlife At Cardinal River Coal


Beth MacCullum, MEDes, P.Biol, Bighorn Wildlife Technologies Ltd.

This case study was originally published in our .

Bighorn sheep are a key indicator species at this Alberta coal mine. According to years of research conducted in the area, the bighorn sheep of Cardinal River display all the qualities of a healthy and expanding herd. They are characterized by large body size, high lamb to ewe ratios and strong population growth. These qualities are typical of an expanding population. The herd is growing in response to new habitat that is provided by reclamation. New reclamation means new sheep. The most recent count in 2006 for bighorn sheep that use the mountain ranges around Cardinal is 1,000. This area includes both the Cardinal River and Gregg River mines. The mines provide a protected area for the sheep similar to Jasper National Park. Sheep are not restricted to the mines but move freely throughout the mountains. This system of protected areas surrounded by open areas has maintained the populations in a healthy state.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.teck.com/Generic.aspx?PAGE=Teck+Site/Responsibility+Pages/Sustainability+Pages/Case+Studies+pages/2006/Wildlife+at+Cardinal&portalName=tc


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