

Johan Eknander is an engineer who enjoys thinking about axle configurations. A sparkle in his eye gives him away when he talks about them: “Axle configurations enable the customer to find the optimal solution. One that allows them to take assignments their competitors can’t, and get better economy out of the ones they have. With these new axles the right configuration might mean going from a double to a single front axle – saving capital, fuel and service costs.”

The SUV transporter

Volvo is known for its low chassis, but by increasing axle capacity the truck becomes more flexible. The new car transporter is an excellent example of this. It combines a very low chassis with a higher load capacity at the front. And thanks to its low cab height, it can take full advantage of this flexibility when SUVs need to be loaded on the higher deck.

“The same principle applies to a crane truck that needs a low superstructure with a low platform so it can be loaded up high – with a boat, for example,” adds Jonas Odermalm, Volvo’s manager for the construction segment.

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