Poladyn 31 ECO

Nitroerg S.A.


Nitroerg S.A.


Poladyn 31 ECO

Poladyn 31 ECO

Poladyn 31 ECO


Poladyn 31 ECO is a strong nitroglycerine explosive used in mines and open pits as well as other blasting works where there is no risk of coal dust or methane inflammation. Poladyn 31 ECO is recommended for hard and very hard rocks splitting.

Poladyn 31 ECO is a new generation of dynamite no containing toxic nitro compounds as DNT and TNT. It features excellent use parameters and reduced volume of toxic compounds in blasting gases.

Poladyn 31 ECO can be used in wet blasting holes.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.nitroerg.pl/en/products/poladyn-31-eco.html

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