Ferrostaal Chile S.A.C.
Datos de Contacto
Dirección: Av. Santa MarÃa 2810, Providencia – Santiago
Fono: (56 2…Ver Completo
Web: Ver Homepage
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Sobre la Empresa | Ferrostaal Chile S.A.C.
Ferrostaal Chile S.A.C.
Turning Ideas into Reality
Our company has been present and operating in Chile for 6 decades.
Ferrostaal Chile SAC, through its parent company, its representations worldwide and its excellent personnel, is dedicated to offering an integral high level of customer oriented service to its clients.
Thanks to the confidence that our customers and friends have in our company, we contributed to the economic growth of Chile and maintained our leadership in the service industry as an integral consultant. Throughout the years we accumulated the knowledge and know-how of the local need which has transformed us into a solid company.
More than 70 employees in the headquarter offices in Santiago and over 140 employees in the field turn our customers’ projects plans into reality.
Our primary mission is to provide our customers solutions that fit perfectly to their needs, using our competencies as elements that stand out from our competitors: project development, project management, partner integration, systems integration and after-sales service. We have access to the latest technology worldwide which allows us to optimize our service to our clients.
Managing Director/CEO
Assistant to Managing Director
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