Key Figures





Key Figures
BUSINESSTenova operates in the metals and mining industries.The events of the last 3 years have had a profound impact on all the world economies. In steelmaking and mining, the response to the crisis has seen Asia and South America lead the way down the path to recovery. This has had a direct impact on new plant investments, where, at global level, the strongest demand is for advanced technologies to improve end product quality, cut energy consumption and improve environmental impact. Tenova is responding to the positive prospects offered by the market by maximizing innovation and, at the same time, enhancing its focus on on-going direct contact with customers all over the world in order to provide optimal, high-performance solutions for specific requirements.Today, a key Tenova strength is the added value offered by a worldwide network of companies and a global-local market approach: by combining direct communication with customers with the opportunities offered by a major multinational group, entry on to the different regional markets is facilitated.

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