Solar Drying

Degrémont Ltda.


Degrémont Ltda.


The sun, green and free energy, for drying biosolids

With environmental challenges becoming increasingly significant, Degrémont has been promoting the use of clean and renewable energy sources for drying biosolids for over 15 years.Héliantis is a solar drying process based on the principle of horticultural greenhouses, complemented by a system for stirring and venting sludge.Sludge dried in this manner can be recovered for use in many areas such as fertilizers, compost co-products and even fuel for incineration plants.

One or several Heliantis systems can be installed :

  • at an industrial or urban purification station where sludge is treated continuously with no pre-storage,
  • or at a central site where output from several purification stations is combined for treatment.

The SLUDGE treatment process

[Thickening – Dewatering] [Digestion] [] [Destruction]

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