Load-bearing Tower Staxo 40

Doka Chile


Doka Chile


  • wide-area as­sem­b­ly decks with plank­ing units in­side the towers and al­so be­tween the towers
  • hor­i­zon­tal pre-as­sem­b­ly pos­si­ble thanks to crane-han­dling-safe con­nec­tions be­tween the frames
  • stur­dy lad­der­ways
  • test­ed an­chor­age points for per­so­n­al fall ar­rest sys­tems
  • high-speed as­sem­b­ly, as there are on­ly a few se­parate components, all of them very light in weight
  • er­go­nom­i­cal­ly en­gi­neered H-frames – easi­er to car­ry, quick­er to set up
  • the abil­i­ty to trav­el and lift en­tire towers, in­stead of labour-in­ten­sive­ly dis­mantling them first
  • colour-cod­ed di­ag­o­n­al cross­braces so that you can quick­ly tell which length is which
  • screw-jack U-heads and feet with a 75 cm ex­ten­sion range for easi­er height ad­just­ment
  • shift­ing-wheels for re­lo­cat­ing en­tire towers, to fa­cil­i­tate an ef­fi­cient con­struc­tion work­flow
  • safe­ly sus­tains loads at slab-edges by means of brack­ets
  • ease of han­dling, log­i­cal as­sem­b­ly se­quence and high-speed work­ing

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.doka.com/en/system-groups/doka-load-bearing-systems/shoring-towers/load-bearing-tower-staxo-40/index

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