Ore Leaching

Ekato Process Technologies


Ekato Process Technologies


Ore Leaching / Cut electricity costs for bioleaching reactors in half

The EKATO COMBIJET technology meets these requirements perfectly, since unlike conventional mixing or agitating, the suspension capacity is hardly affected at higher gassing rates. Thus, a stable operation of ten continuously stirred tanks with volumes of approximately 1,500 to 2,000m³ is possible despite load variations or varying compositions of the ore.

The good suspending capabilities of the EKATO COMBIJET allow a reduction of the power input to that which is required for the mass transfer rate, exhibiting an annual energy savings of about 5 – 10 GWh for a complete system. This is particularly important in remote mining areas without regular electricity supply. In addition, the low power input protects the microorganisms on the ore particles in an abrasive environment.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.ekato.com/news/achema-news/ore-leaching/

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