Industrial Revetment Articles

Elementa Prefabricados Estructurales Ltda.


Elementa Prefabricados Estructurales Ltda.


Details Written by Rodney Bellido de Luna

The polyurea is an anti-corrosive, anti-abrasive, non-slip and extremely durable coating, due to its mechanical properties and its chemical qualities; tolerate damages arising various acids and alkaline chemicals and petroleum based products.

Polyurea has an excellent performance and is qualified as a stable membrane leaves bridges and its application is

Coating solutions obsolete

Details Written by Rodney Bellido de Luna

Traditional solutions for surface coatings, called preforms, such as asphalt or butyl, are almost obsolete.

At present, the asphalt membranes and fabrics butyl, butyl rubber, among others, there is little that can cope with the continuous solutions such as liquid membranes: Polyurea.

Disadvantages of asphalt membranes.

i) Low quality.


Increase of corrosion resistance

Details Written by Rodney Bellido de Luna

The corrosion resistance in road structures both steel and concrete arming is a problem which consesionarias companies or managers face.

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