Pipe Repair And Reinforcement

Elementa Prefabricados Estructurales Ltda.


Elementa Prefabricados Estructurales Ltda.


Details Written by Rodney Bellido de Luna

  • PipeWrap saturated with epoxy resin at the site of the work and can mold to complex geometries such as horizontal curves, vertical, connections, etc
  • PipeMedic is a rolled laminated plate requiring no on site saturation its elastic memory and generates diametral pressure inside of the tube, which allows its application to pipes of various diameters .As mentioned above, this composite material is formed by reinforcing fibers embedded in a matrix of epoxy resin which protects the fiber and provides a means for uniform load distribution, resulting in a high strength reinforcement and quality used safely in the repair of pipelines .
  • Maintain hydraulic pipe capacity saving considerable reductions inside diameter of the pipe.Reducing inoperative time due to piping installation is much faster than other types of structural coating.Reduced maintenance because the material is not affected by corrosion.Finally, the economic cost to repair pipes with carbon fiber reinforcement is less than required with traditional repair techniques .

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.elementabdl.cl/en/articles/structural-repairs/389-pipe-repair-reinforcement

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