Software Development

Enorey International Ltda.


Enorey International Ltda.


Web applications, webservices and security:

Quanam has extensive experience in web applications’ development, and specialized in .Net and JEE technologies.Net y JEEQuanam has used webservices in several projects according to the specifications of open standards (mainly W S-I Organization) as well as specific and security standards for Web services.

Quanam is proficient in the implementation of portals and the integration of applications in portals with various objectives (e.g. knowledge management, information release, integration of electronic proceedings, among others).
Mobile applications:

Quanam develops components and applications to make any functions available from any kind of mobile device to integrate customers/suppliers/employees in an easy and timely manner.
Citizen Assistance System:

The concept of a single place to carry out proceedings (operating centralization/decentralization of information).
Processes’ automation/dossier management:

Quanam knows how to implement electronic dossier solutions and automate processes.
Systems integrating several agencies:

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