Air Quality
Leading Company in Air Quality Projects
Enviromodeling is the leading company in Air Quality studies in Chile, with expertise in modeling, data analisis and emission inventories.
- Our capability to perform fast and efficient air quality modeling projects to assess the impact of pollutant emissions such as PM10, SO2, NO/NO2, etc. We currently have complete meteorological databases covering most of the country. We can also generate wind fields in areas with little or no information using the RAMS mesoscale model.
- The preparation of fast an efficient emission inventory reports according to the new CONAMA regulations (Decreto CONAMA-MINSAL Nº108), and the estimation of process emissions according to EPA and locally developed emission factors.
- The preparation of emission inventories for mining operations, including open pits, mineral transport, etc.
- Statistical data analysis of all the environmental data available through certified monitoring networks.
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