Transfer Data Through Touch

Ericsson Chile S.A.


Ericsson Chile S.A.


Transfer data through touch

2012-06-20 Categories:,

We have a natural instinct to touch things. And now, using a technology known as capacitive coupling, our bodies can be part of a network – making it super-simple to send and receive data just by touching something.

Imagine you are holding a smartphone in one hand and can transmit information, images or codes through your body to a screen in front of you, a printer, or an electronic lock – simply by touching that object. It’s already possible – through a technology known as capacitive coupling and a concept we call Connected Me.

Jan Hederén, Strategy Manager, Development Unit Radio Access, Ericsson, says communicating through touch is one of the most effective ways that humans connect to one another, especially with the rapid penetration of smartphones and tablets. “We use our hands constantly to turn things on and off, to open and close objects; basically, to carry out all our daily activities," he says.

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