Powder Conveying

GEA Process Engineering


GEA Process Engineering


Powder Handling, Conveying & Mixing

Many dairy powders, including infant formula products, are sensitive to both oxygen and to mechanical handling. GEA offers powder handling solutions that will ensure that product integrity is maintained throughout the production process, right through to packaging.

Many sensitive powders are produced and packed into bulk containers that are later unloaded, conveyed, mixed and re-packaged into retail containers. This means that the product may be subjected to multiple mechanical processes before being converted into a consumer product. GEA has specific powder handling and conveying technologies that have been designed to ensure that your product suffers minimal effects from mechanical handling.

Powder conveying

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.gea.com/global/en/applications/dairy-processing/dairy-powders_nutritional-formula/dairy-powders-nutritional-formula_powder-conveying.jsp

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