Services, Youngstock Solutions

GEA Process Engineering


GEA Process Engineering


Strong Calves Spell Success

Strong calves mean farming success. Efficient heifer rearing is a key contributor to cost-effective farm management. Healthy, productive calves are a sound investment for the competitive future of any dairy farm. However, as statistics have consistently shown, young calf loss rates, low-performing heifers and high first-calving ages are issues for concern. With this to deal with, every breeder is faced with putting measures in place that will tackle these issues and improve livestock health and productivity.

Many Paths to Improvement

Bacterial and viral infections often trigger intestinal and respiratory diseases that result in calf loss. There are, however, ways of significantly decreasing infection risk. The optimized design of barns for housing young animals can reduce housing-related problems such as high humidity, pollutant gases, draughts or overcrowding. Feeding strategies can also be adjusted according to growth stage, to strengthen natural resistance and optimize the overall health management of youngstock.

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