Reduced Fuel Costs

Immersive Technologies Chile S.A.


Immersive Technologies Chile S.A.


Are Your Fuel Costs Too High?

Related Products & Services

Address Challenges of Rising Fuel Cost and Environmental Responsibility

  • Train for optimal fuel performances
  • Practice for a range of possible emergency situations in a safe environment
  • Develop operator skills and knowledge

“Production time was not affected with these improvements and we believe, with a conservative estimate, we can save $500,000 per year through this training initiative.”

-Cipta Kridatama Talent Development Manager, Gemilang Adi Perdana

Within the mining industry it is becoming increasingly important to focus on fuel preservation to control the cost of production as well as to meet increasingly stringent environmental requirements. Immersive Technologies has worked closely with major miners and Original Equipment Manufacturers to deliver a solution designed to give equipment operators the skills and knowledge they need to operate in a productive manner while assessing and eliminating behaviors that cause excess fuel consumption.

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