Drenatex Corrugated Pipelines

Industrias Polytex Ltda.


Industrias Polytex Ltda.


PRODUCTS: Mining_ Drenatex Corrugated Pipelines

Drenatex Corrugated Pipelines

HDPE DRENATEX Corrugated Pipelines are excellent to be used in several industrial applications. These pipes are flexible and therefore highly recommendable for absorbing any slip of the land, they are resistant and light. In addition, its smooth inner surface allows for optimal flow of liquids, due to the extremely low friction coefficient. These pipes are especially designed to convey pressure-free liquids. They can be manufactured with smooth inner walls or keep their corrugated surface.

Sanitary Works Sewer, and Rainwater Collection Systems

Road Solutions Highway Drains and under-road crossings

Farming humidity control and drainage of cultivated land

Mining Heap leach drainage and conveyance of acid solutions

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.polytex.cl/en/tubedrenatex.html

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