
Inspectorate Chile Ltda.


Inspectorate Chile Ltda.


Oil analysis provides information for two important aspects, the condition of the oil being analyzed, and the condition of the equipment involved. By using the latest Oil Condition Monitoring (OCM) reporting software Inspectorate are able to conduct detailed statistical analysis. This will result in a detailed Diagnostic Report to be presented to the customer describing the condition of both the lubricant and equipment.

Analysts, Inc. provide our services in the US, Mexico, China and Japan. For more information on their leading services and state-of-the-art LOAMS software, click on the Analysts, Inc. logo.

Eur: +44 1376 536800
USA +1 800 336 3637
Mex: +52 81 8335 7560
Japan: +03 3436 5660
China: +86 511 88880691
Mid East: +971 4 899 8100

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.bureauveritas.com/wps/wcm/connect/bv_com/group/home/about-us/our-business/commodities/sectors/oil-and-petrochemicals/oil-condition-monitoring/

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