
Inspectorate Chile Ltda.


Inspectorate Chile Ltda.


Turbine lube-oil systems are designed to cool bearings, flush contaminants away from rotating parts, prevent leakage of gases, provide hydrostatic lift for shafts and actuating valves in the hydraulic circuit and protect lube-system internals. Turbine oil formulations must handle large temperature fluctuations and the ingression of contaminants such as dirt and water. Monitoring in-service turbine oil condition for deterioration and degradation can significantly extend the life of both the lubricant and the turbine.To help users understand how turbine oils deteriorate, we have VitalPoint® – a series of four test packages for monitoring the condition of in-service turbine oils. With VitalPoint®, analysts can show you how to implement a meaningful turbine oil analysis program to maximize service life.a Turbine Oil expert or use the Contact Us to find out more.

Turbine Oil Testing Services – The VitalPoint Difference:

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.bureauveritas.com/wps/wcm/connect/bv_com/group/home/about-us/our-business/commodities/sectors/oil-and-petrochemicals/turbine-oil-analysis/

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