HARDGUARD Wear Steel Blocks

Jadco USA


Jadco USA


Wear Steel Blocks for the Harshest, Most Abrasive Operating Conditions.

HARDGUARD provides unparalleled protection in a wide array of applications.

Our wear bars are ideal for:

Buckets (excavator, loader, dragline, and face shovel)

Crusher spider arm guards

Discharge chutes

Rock boxes

Grizzly bars on feeders/shredder/grinding mills

Sugarcane knife edges

Adapters and attachments

Dredging equipment

Screen-feed distribution

Hopper wear areas

Technical Advantages:

To ensure that our chocky bars have finely dispersed microstructure and ultra-consistent properties when compared with the most competitive brands, we conduct a post-bonding heat treatment process. Our alloy hardness (63 HRC minimum) delivers maximum abrasion protection, while the steel backing plate absorbs high impact and facilitates ease of fitting and use.


Wear steel blocks can be custom-designed to exact applications. Each block is quality-tested and regularly subjected to thorough chemical, microstructure, visual, harness, ultrasonic, and destructive examinations.

HARDGUARD is available in the following forms:

    Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.jadcomfg.com/hardguard-wear-steel-blocks

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