Type 48LP

John Crane Chile S.A.


John Crane Chile S.A.


  • Low-emission single seal — designed to satisfy U.S. federal, state and local regulatory requirements. Type 48 assures emission control with a single seal arrangement in VOC services. Years of low emission sealing are provided.
  • Type 48 sealing package — Type 48 seals are application-specific with the proper selection of primary ring, mating ring materials and flush arrangement.
  • Computer-optimized seal faces — computer modeling minimizes thermal- and pressure-caused distortion. For optimal performance, face materials are specified antimony filled carbon graphite versus silicon carbide as standard.
  • Flush maximizes cooling — available with an extended flush with single point injection and a large percentage of the mating ring exposed to the process fluid for cooler running. For higher-heat loads, a distributed flush with improved heat transfer characteristics is recommended.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: https://www.johncrane.com/products/mechanical-seals/o-ring-pusher/type-48lp

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