I-Site Underground Case Studies

Maptek Computación Chile Ltda.


Maptek Computación Chile Ltda.


I-Site laser scanning handled a large underground survey project with ease, delivering timely, accurate data to guide limestone mining operations.

Accurate mapping of the interface between underground and open pit operations with laser scanning provides detailed survey data.

Maptek helped to collect data and generate a detailed geological model to assist with the design and planning of an underground laboratory in the former Homestake gold mine in South Dakota.

Carmen Bajo in Chile uses Maptek I-Site laser scanning technology to survey surface topography, as well as model tunnel data for evaluating new ventures.

Stockton Mine used the Maptek I-Site laser scanner to locate historic underground workings, allowing recovery of remaining reserves and improving safety.

The Maptek I-Site 8800 laser scanner obtains detailed 3D point cloud data from underground drives and stopes, allowing accurate models to be developed.

Contact Maptek I-Site

  • Underground Applications

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.maptek.com/products/i-site/case_studies/underground.html

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