Vulcan Streamlines Uncertainty Analysis

Maptek Computación Chile Ltda.


Maptek Computación Chile Ltda.


Maptek provides a unique approach to pit optimisation and geostatistical analysis to improve mine planning decisions.

Today it seems that the only thing that can be said with certainty about mining is that there is uncertainty! Managing the risks of changing commodity prices, fluctuating exchange rates and the unknown extent and quality of a geological resource challenges engineers, geologists and investors. Decisions must be made with imperfect knowledge and in the presence of economic and geological uncertainty.

Quantifying uncertainty generally requires sensitivity studies which analyse many different scenarios. While value can be realised from this approach, explicitly analysing uncertainty requires substantial time and computational effort.

A long range mine plan is calculated for each realisation using a simple script and the Vulcan Pit Optimiser.

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  • Vulcan streamlines uncertainty analysis

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