
Minera Hochschild Chile


Minera Hochschild Chile



We rely on the goodwill of the members of the communities located close to our assets to be able to operate, whether in early stage exploration or the construction or operation of an active mine.

We therefore consider it imperative that local communities are closely involved in our planning processes in order to address their needs and take account of their concerns.

At the same time, we also aim to work together with our surrounding communities and the State to improve health, nutrition, and the education of the population and promote their development through sustainable projects.

To do this, our primary objective is to maintain a constructive relationship with communities and promote development, guided by the following principles:

  • Foster mutual respect and co-existence with local communities
  • Achieve mutually beneficial agreements
  • Encourage good relationships and co-ordination with stakeholders to promote sustainable development.
  • Recent Developments

    During 2014 we focused on a number of high impact initiatives further details of which are provided below.


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