
Minera Hochschild Chile


Minera Hochschild Chile



We are committed to minimising the impact of our business on the environment and to facilitate the ongoing sustainability of the land where we develop operations and activities. We recognise that doing this brings benefits both in environmental terms, and also enables us to increase the efficiency of our own operations. In addition, as the most valuable resource, water usage and discharge are subject to strict protocols and procedures in order to comply with local and international regulations.

  • Inspections and monitoring: to identify sub-standard conditions and opportunities for improvement
  • Environmental quality: a pro-active measurement to ensure that all discharges to the environment are within acceptable limits
  • Environmental goals and targets: to monitor the accomplishment of the corporate strategic plan
  • Environmental management: documents control of standards, procedures, records etc.
  • Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.hocplc.com/en/sustainability/environment

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