Safety & Our People

Minera Hochschild Chile


Minera Hochschild Chile


Safety & our people

Our people and their safety remain our highest priority and this is reflected in everything that we do. The Board and management are committed to ensuring that employee safety is an integral part of measuring the successful implementation of corporate strategy. We continue to invest in operating controls and processes to ensure that the highest standards of safety are met, and we have initiatives in place to raise the profile of safe working practices and we provide comprehensive and ongoing safety training at all of our operations. We are proud to report that for the first time since the Company’s listing in 2006, there were no fatalities during 2014. This achievement cannot be understated given the relentless efforts of many across the organisation who have committed themselves to fostering a culture of safety and seeing this translate into safe working practices. We will not use this opportunity to become complacent but rather, look to setting another first: two consecutive years without any fatal accidents at our mine sites.

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