Global Trade Management

MIQ Logistic Inc. Ltda.


MIQ Logistic Inc. Ltda.


Global Trade Management | MIQ Logistics

Let MIQ Logistics assist you navigate today’s dynamic and increasingly complex world of global commerce. We’re qualified to provide exceptional value to global shippers by combining our expertise in both global logistics and trade management to offer a comprehensive approach to international supply chain management.

MIQ Logistics provides global trade management services ensure regulatory compliance while mitigating supply chain disruptions and identifying and generating cost savings opportunities for our customers. We’ll provide you a global trade compliance assessment, trade agreement advice, customs valuation guidance, and more.

Our experienced team of Global Trade Management professionals, supported by reliable technology, coordinates and optimizes the logistical, financial and regulatory elements of your global supply chain. MIQ Logistics does not just process transactions, our Global Trade Management professionals provide services in-depth.

MIQ Logistics Global Trade Management services enable our customers to make informed sourcing and transportation decisions further upstream in the supply chain, creating more nimble supply chains and improved cost control.


  • Import services helps importers manage, understand and comply with all advanced information requirements, customs entry regulations and supply chain security procedures associated with global trade
  • Export services helps exporters manage, understand and comply with all export regulations governing origin reporting, destination control declarations, and advanced security filings
  • Additional services include compliance assessments, training, policy and procedures, protests, regulatory research, trade agreement advice and customs valuation guidance.

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