Nalco IronGuard® Technology And Services

Nalco Chile Ltda.


Nalco Chile Ltda.


Nalco IronGuard® Technology and Services

The need to make better use of the waste generated at the hot mill has led Nalco to develop the IronGUARD program. It is designed to reduce the oil content on the mill scale by preventing the oil from adhering to the scale. Nalco takes a unique approach to help you minimize total operating costs and meet environmental standards.

The IronGUARD program employs a unique and patented new polymer that prevents the oil from adhering to the mill scale. This will keep the oil content to less than 1%. This would allow you to recycle the mill scale back to the steelmaking process via the sinter plant or blast furnace. Or you can sell the high iron-bearing material to others that can use the clean scale in their process. In either case, you eliminate the costly disposal and transportation fees.

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