Consultancy Services

Norconsult Andina S.A. 


Norconsult Andina S.A. 


  • Global

Business Areas

Oil & Gas

Norconsult is an independent engineering contractor. Independency, experienced personnel and different disciplines makes a complete picture and is our criterion for success. All areas necessary to provide studies and projects, both offshore and onshore are covered.

We have substantial experience within all phases of the project cycle from the earliest pre-investment and feasibility studies, through planning and design, tendering and construction supervision, to project implementation, operations and maintenance.

Oil and gas projects require a high degree of multidisciplinary services, large capacity and sound experience from the execution of high complexity projects, involving many parties and tight schedules.

Harald Hesselberg
Vice President/Offshore
Per Kristian Nesse
Vice President/Onshore
Ola H. Norderhaug
EVP International Operations
Stian Carl Erichsen
Managing Director Norconsult LNG
  • Per Kristian Nesse
    • management/administration
    • system disciplines
    • area disciplines
    • project scheduling
    • weight/cost estimation

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