
Parker Hannifin Corporation Chile Ltda.


Parker Hannifin Corporation Chile Ltda.


Parker offers instrument enclosures for manifold systems in process applications and pre-assembled hand control enclosures for workers. Parker’s range of instrument enclosures, protection systems and sun shades can be supplied fully populated, with manifolds, tubing and electrical heating systems to provide protection for the most demanding site conditions and process applications. Parker will supply completed enclosure solutions to provide frost protection right through to elevated temperature maintenance. The push-button, two-hand control enclosures provide an air signal to be used as an enabling pilot in applications where both hands must be kept out of a dangerous work area.
Enclosures Products

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.parker.com/portal/site/PARKER/menuitem.14ecfc66e7a40c1af8500f199420d1ca/?vgnextoid=43cb5242ade5c110VgnVCM10000032a71dacRCRD&vgnextfmt=default&Keyword=ENCLOSURES&Wtky=ENCLOSURES

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