
Parker Hannifin Corporation Chile Ltda.


Parker Hannifin Corporation Chile Ltda.


Parker Hannifin offers diesel fuel heaters and coolant heaters to keep engines ready for instant cold weather operation. Parker Diesel fuel heaters are vital for cold weather and biodiesel applications. Fuel heaters dissolve paraffin wax crystals and ice. Heaters enable water separators to work more efficiently and prevent fuel filter plugging from wax or ice. Parker also offers tank-type coolant heaters. Coolant heaters utilize customer-supplied AC current to heat and maintain engine coolant at a predetermined temperature range.
Heaters Products

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.parker.com/portal/site/PARKER/menuitem.14ecfc66e7a40c1af8500f199420d1ca/?vgnextoid=43cb5242ade5c110VgnVCM10000032a71dacRCRD&vgnextfmt=default&Keyword=HEATERS&Wtky=HEATERS

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