Flooring Protection

Pinturas Jet


Pinturas Jet


Why paint concrete?Concrete, by nature, is an alkaline substratum that can suffer physical and chemical deterioration because of service conditions to which it is exposed causing millions of dollars in damage. Due to this problem the need to protect concrete plays an important role.The Protection Systems for concrete floors have the solution to this problem: JET FLOORING SYSTEM 100% SOLID, granting the following benefits:• To increase aesthetics related to color, shine or texture for architectural purposes.• To reduce permeability to moisture.• To confer resistance to slipping (non-skid floors).• To provide physical and chemical resistance in environments of primary and secondary containment.• To provide a hard, even and shiny surface that can be easily cleaned.• To protect from physical and chemical deterioration of the substratum.• It allows identifying the signaling areas, routes or danger areas.• It dissipates static electricity by means of coatings which contain fillers such as carbon.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.pinturasjet.cl/ing/flooring_protection.html

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