
Poch Ingeniería Medioambiente Sustentabilidad


Poch Ingeniería Medioambiente Sustentabilidad



We strategically manage the entire project lifecycle, from inception to implementation. We provide our clients with strategic consulting services for environmental matters, specifically within the context of Environmental Management, Natural Resources and Cultural Heritage.

At Poch, we seek solutions with a multidisciplinary team and an integrated and holistic approach, which makes us a pioneer in the environmental consulting field in Chile.

We support our clients through the environmental compliance process from a multidisciplinary and comprehensive perspective, based on over 400 environmental studies with an approval rate of 98%. Our services include the preparation of environmental impact studies, environmental impact statements, relevance analysis and handling authorities requirements.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.pochcorp.com/servicio-eeuu/1266-environment.html

Formulario de Contacto

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