PLAY, George Whitesides Presents





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George Whitesides presents

Discover the reality of space tourism from the CEO of Virgin Galactic

Outer Space as a Platform for New Business.

  • The potential of space as a force of positive change: On foresight, audacity, and execution
  • Moving an innovative company from test phase to commercial operation

Moderated by Carol Massar, Chief National Correspondent for Bloomberg Television.

About George Whitesides

George is the CEO of Virgin Galactic, the company that is creating revoilutionary vehicles to transport people and satellites into space.

Leading the commercial operations at Spaceport America in New Mexico, he along with his wife form part of a 530 person team that hope to live the space experience. In fact, they plan to be the first couple to spend their honey moon there. Previously, he applied his interests in outer space technology as the Chief of Staff for NASA and Executive Director of the National Space Society.

George Whitesides

Available until January 15

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