Working Internationally

Schenker Chile S.A.


Schenker Chile S.A.


Working internationally

Can you see the world at DB Schenker? – Of course!

Somewhere between homesickness and bravura: The logistics sector is THE branch for globetrotters! Are you in search of an international challenge? We can offer you a variety of opportunities to prove yourself in a global environment.

In the face of rapidly expanding globalization, international collaboration and cross-border teamwork are assuming an ever-important role in the world of work. As a global player we place much emphasis on cross-border expertise in all significant regions of the world.

The logistics sector holds the world in its hands. Business is booming and the demand for logistics services on the national and international markets is ever increasing.

  • Am I open-minded enough for life in a foreign country and a different culture? What does my family think?
  • Am I mobile, flexible and independent enough so that nothing can get to me so easily?

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