Öresund Bridge





An important link to the continent

On July 1, 2000, the Öresund Bridge was opened. The Bridge immediately accelerated development and today, the Öresund region is one of Europe’s most dynamic growth regions.

The Öresund Bridge has provided people on both sides of the Strait with opportunities for housing, jobs and studies. Every day, approximately 20,000 individuals commute across the Strait. It takes about ten minutes by car across Öresund, but by train it is much faster. For Sweden, the Bridge is also an important link to the continent.

It was in 1995 that the Öresund consortium awarded the contract to the Sundlink Contractors building consortium for construction of the bridge. Skanska, which has extensive experience in bridge building, was part of Sundlink Contractors, along with three other bridge builders. The gigantic building project required the best possible expertise, material, technology and control.



Service: Construction
Mark segment: Bridges, Railways
Start date: 1995
Completion date: 2000
Clients: Sundlink Contractors
Country: Sweden
City: Malmö

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://group.skanska.com/projects/57321/-resund-Bridge

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